It is interesting to come across the initiative by Sikh Doctors Association supporting and collaborating with Guru Nanak Sikh Temple, West Bromwich St., Walsall, to bring together a series of health events planned for later on this year.
What is more intriguing is that in the UK where universal healthcare is the pride of the nation and all evidence based screening programs are fully funded and available throughout the length and breadth of the country, what is the need for such an initiative by a voluntary organisation?
The answer is probably a combination of factors including lack of universal access, health services which are resource strapped and hence unable to respond to the language and culturally sensitive needs of the diverse population they are meant to serve and a lack of faith in the system. Such disparities in access from diverse groups of UK population is not unknown and often divided along lines of socio-cultural determinants. While it is commendable for Sikh Doctors Association to set up such outreach initiatives to help under-privileged sections of the population, it is indeed embarrassing for a member of the UK NHS which is a shining example of how to deliver universal healthcare.